All-on-4 Dental Implants in Bothell

How Does All-on-4 Work?
With the All-on-4 procedure, just four dental implants are used to support a full denture. They are placed and restored in just one visit to our office, enabling a patient to start enjoying the results the very same day.
To begin, all a patient needs to do is schedule a consultation with their dentist in Bothell, Dr. Hsue. After performing a thorough oral exam and taking a variety of diagnostic images, he’ll be able to determine whether or not a patient is a good candidate for the All-on-4 procedure.
If they are, he’ll then use additional diagnostic scans to determine the exact locations of the implants. Typically, two implants are placed towards the front of the jaw where the bone is naturally thicker, and two more are placed towards the back at an angle so they can provide maximum hold.
When a patient comes in for the actual procedure, any remaining damaged/decayed teeth will first be removed to create room for the denture, the implants will be placed into the jawbone, and then the denture itself will be attached to them. Dr. Hsue will then make any final adjustments that are necessary, and at that point, a patient’s new smile will be ready for the world!
Why People Love All-on-4
Is All-on-4 Right For You?
Because of the unique design of the dental implant posts used for All-on-4, even patients with thin or brittle jawbones who have been previously ineligible for dental implants can benefit from this treatment.If you’re ready to get a permanent solution for your missing teeth, then your first step is to simply schedule a consultation here at Annigan Dental. From there, it is only a matter of time before you’ll get to enjoy a full smile again.
All-on-4 FAQs
Getting All-on-4 in Bothell is a very different experience compared to traditional dental implant procedures, so many patients end up with more than a few questions. If you’re uncertain about any part of the process or what you can expect, Dr. Hsue will gladly give you the answers you need. The inquiries below cover some of the most common concerns that are brought up over the course of All-on-4. Let us know if there’s anything that we’ve missed.
What is the Procedure Like?
A typical All-on-4 procedure begins with an initial consultation that confirms that you’re a viable candidate for implants. (You may or may not need an additional visit for X-rays and impressions.) Tooth extractions and other procedures may or may not need to be completed before scheduling implant surgery. After the posts themselves are in your mouth, you can expect to return to the office a couple of times for post-op visits. During the final stages of the process, an impression will be taken of your mouth, and you’ll return to our office one last time to receive your permanent dentures.
Why Don’t I Receive My Permanent Teeth Right Away?
The teeth you receive on the day of the surgery will only be temporary; they’ll consist of a lighter material that places less stress on the implants than permanent dentures would. This is because the mouth still needs time to heal. It takes about four to six months for the implants to fully integrate with the jaw, at which point they’ll be able to support the load of permanent dentures. In the meantime, you should be gentle with your temporary teeth. Sem-solid foods are okay, but it’s generally recommended that avoid any foods that need to be torn with the front teeth (such as apples) or anything that a fork couldn’t easily cut through.
Will the Results Look Natural?
Like with any implant procedure, All-on-4 puts an emphasis on creating a smile that looks and feels as natural as possible. When designing your final dentures, we’ll take your overall appearance (such as your facial features and skin tone) into account alongside the state of your mouth. That way, your new smile will be just the right shape and size. You’ll be given a chance to check your new teeth before they’re anchored to your implants; if there are any slight improvements that need to be made, we can make those adjustments right before completing the restoration process.
Can All-on-4 Be Used to Replace Both Arches?
It’s possible to just have the All-on-4 procedure performed for the upper or lower arch if you feel that only one row of teeth needs to be replaced. If, however, you think that you’re very likely to need dentures on both jaws eventually, it will ultimately be faster –and more cost-effective – if you have both procedures performed at the same time. Of course, everyone’s circumstances are unique, so we’re also willing to schedule a separate visit if that would be more in line with your budget or health needs.